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Designed to focus parents on the horrors associated with Drunk Driving, The Moment of Truth can both educate and unite people. Segments of the presentation will show you what your kids are thinking relative to your family and drunk driving. We show you how to become your child’s ally instead of enemy.
The Rock & Roll Circus will be the “Crown Jewel” of all Ground Control associated events. An all day concert, fashion show, photo and art exhibit, and music business trade show, all rolled into one massive event. The Rock & Roll Circus will permit artists to come face to face with thousands of fans. Ground Control will promote its life saving message to young people in twenty major music markets across America in the next calendar year.
The Loud Street Live Music Festival is a week long, city-wide series of music events. Each event being promoted will both showcase new artists and present Ground Control’s life saving message. To never drive drunk. Hundreds of artists and musicians will unite for these festivals. These events will be held in 20 major music markets across America in the next calendar year.
Ground Control is turning to America’s artists, photographers, sculptors, designers, potters, and painters to create the nations first art show series designed to prevent drunk driving. Who better to join with in our fight to save lives than our most creative people?
The Ground Control Drunk Driving Prevention Campaign, through it’s parent company Illumina Records allows you to marry your musical performances to a cause. Drunk driving affects everyone. By promoting a Rock4Life concert event you will be raising money and creating awareness to prevent the number one killer of music fans.
The Arrive Alive Show is a concert series that is turning 18 years old this year, the Arrive Alive Show is part concert, part speech, and part multi media presentation. A sure fire way to get high school students attention, these events are held during the school day, at no cost whatsoever to your students. Call now for booking information.